Hey everyone: It's been a minute since I've been around but I wanted to share a little something with you. Since you've been on my blog, you've been around enough to know that I'm a writer. You know that I'm not just a writer. It's who I am. I feel as though I can write anything, if I get the chance to glance at it and/or learn a little bit about it. So with that said, you should know that I write poetry, articles, short stories, essays and more. But in regard to the more, is what I will start to unveil. I've been a song-writer since the age of fourteen as well as a lyricist but neither were my dreams to pursue, just the writing part of it. I've dabbled with them two on and off for years. I even have a few songs out on contracts in case they are ever used, and as far as being lyricist, I even have a whole album, that I never put out. However I'm still in love with my lyrics and they are still relevant today. Today, I just felt like sharing...